Waning Sextile Moon in Aries: Refraction

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Inside the Last Quarter phase, we reach a sextile between the Sun and Moon that offers insight. Today’s Gemini Sun and Aries Moon create a bright, electrified moment when something(s) become clear.

There’s a lot going on. The Moon and Mars, while not in degree-based aspect, are in mutual reception, visiting each others’ houses.

We can see the point of Mars separations and also reasons for the Moon’s connecting emotions. Both are valuable. A pendulum, not an argument.

Mars opposes Pluto, a push into the deepest insights possible. Can we separate (a Mars function) our emotions (the Moon) so we can see them more clearly? If we’re in a tangled mess, is there a path to cut through to the heart of the matter? Or at least tease apart some of the strands? Pluto knows where the damage is.

The Moon is conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer, who participates in all the Moon’s aspects today. We’re invited to turn toward what hurts rather than away, to examine, to understand, to begin a healing process.

When light refracts through water, it bends, but still illuminates.

The Sun and Saturn separate from their trine. Saturn can be reductive, which the Gemini Sun resists mightily. Perhaps there’s a balance to be struck here. We can choose what is most important, most deserving of our time and attention, without limiting our options.

Mercury moves toward the Sun while squaring Neptune. We’re invited to shift from the trivial into deeper waters. Neptune can be confusing, yet we need to navigate the depths to find pearls. Mars and Saturn, today, might help with clear choices. Where is the treasure? How can we reach it?

In all of this, we’re held by the Venus–Jupiter trine, which is waning and still feels sweet. There are good things in this world.

Image adapted from Aaron Burden

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