Last Quarter Moon in Libra: Passion

posted in: Last Quarter Moon, Libra | 0

We find ourselves in a time of coming to grips with our experience.

It’s not that major events have stopped happening–quite the contrary, they continue and sometimes strengthen. It’s more that a kind of numbness is wearing off. Our perceptions are clearer. We can’t look away. What do we make of this?

Wednesday morning before dawn, we enter the Last Quarter phase. This happens when the Libra Moon squares the Capricorn Sun. Soft and hard, artistic and businesslike, conscious of social issues and focused on impact and outcome.

Squares are edgy, pushy, demanding. We can’t ignore them. We’ve got to do something, take action.

A key question becomes, what are we prepared to do? Which event, or response, or lack of response will finally tip us over into direct action?

This is the day Mars will finally leave Aries, after six months, to enter Taurus. This happens about 13 hours into the Last Quarter phase. We’ll feel it.

Right now, Mars sits in the final, intense, anaretic degree of Aries. At this end of the third decan, we see a general ready to act. Not, most likely, by picking up a weapon herself. But by setting great forces in motion.

What will we set in motion today?

Libra, and Mars poised between Aries and Taurus, want art. Passionate expressions of what matters. The Sun in Capricorn also wants to be seen, to shine in its own way, through effort and dedication.

We’re called to beautiful action. Pragmatic creativity. Passionate form.

In the next days, more processing will happen as Mercury and Venus also change signs, dancing into squares and trines that bring the great forces around us down into the personal.

This is a great time to connect. Act. Create.

Image adapted from Ricardo Gomez Angel

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