Waning Sextile Moon in Scorpio: Remember

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Today, the Scorpio Moon sextiles the Capricorn Sun to say, do not forget. Remember what has happened. Remember how it happened. Remember who has been harmed, who has been lost.

Both Capricorn and Scorpio have long memories. Capricorn, though, a traditionalist and upholder of authority, might prefer to remember what supports the dominant narrative and let the rest go as trivial, ephemeral, unimportant.

The Scorpio Moon says no. There’s a motto attributed to the Kennedy family that’s very Scorpionic: Forgive your enemies but never forget their names.
It’s also a day of transitions, another in this cycle when the personal planets grab our attention and bring the global right down to our lives.

Mercury has stepped into Aquarius, lofty, idealistic, cerebral. Ready to create a new world.

Mercury immediately squares Mars in Taurus: The irresistible force meeting the immovable object. We are reminded of how difficult it truly is to move patterns deeply entrenched in our institutions and our psyches. Maybe we’re also cautioned not to rush.

Venus has stepped into Capricorn, and trines Mars in Taurus. We long for structures to protect and nurture us. Structures that are life-affirming, have integrity, are beautiful. Here too we must acknowledge the time it takes to both create and maintain those kinds of structures.

The Scorpio Moon trines Neptune in Pisces, who also sextiles the Capricorn Sun. Our small selves are networked into wider spheres. We can access deep dreaming. Our visions are richer when we allow creative inspiration to flow.

Through all these processes, the thread of memory is woven.

Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it. – George Santayana

Image adapted from Zoran Kokanovic

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