Last Quarter Moon in Aries: Wake Up!

posted in: Aries, Last Quarter Moon | 0

Sunday night’s Last Quarter Moon is an especially important pivot and a wake up call. We’ve been sharing, reflecting, processing, sharing a bit more, feeling lots of emotions. Now the Aries Moon says enough already!

What actions are needed? What can we DO?

Two important stations happen in the lead up to this Sun–Moon square:

Saturday evening (5:08 pm EDT), Chiron stations retrograde in Aries, turning back to meet Mars. Our sensitivity to where we’ve been wounded becomes more acute.

Very early Sunday morning (4:26 am EDT), Mercury stations direct in Cancer. Now Mercury will be able to articulate better, get more clarity on what we feel and why, and help us recenter our well being and what our circles of care need from us.

This is a strong, direct, focused Aries Moon. She sits between Lilith and Eris, both fierce, feminine, and not interested in excuses.

The Moon forms a T-square with the Sun and Capricorn group, squaring both. Narrow, convenient definitions of “tradition” don’t cut it. Justice and real, life-supporting care are on the table for all to see.

The Moon trines the South Node and sextiles the North. Sure, we can learn from the past. The key focus now, though, is on the future. It’s time to move.

This pivot in the waning cycle will not, is not meant to, magically solve all problems. Solutions will not suddenly appear.

Instead, we are reoriented. We feel we’re turning a corner. It’s time to take concrete steps (however small). Time to cut away outworn ideas, beliefs, and practices that keep us stuck.

Image adapted from Markus Spiske

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