Gibbous Moon in Virgo: Pressure

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The Moon only escaped the mess of squares and oppositions a few days ago at the First Quarter, and hoped to have a bit of clear sailing … but no! Just minutes ago (12:10 am EDT), the Moon entered her Gibbous phase and is in hot water again.

The Gibbous Moon always involves a sesquiquadrate, or square and a half, with the Sun. That can be edgy. Tonight, there is a full blown Thor’s Hammer as the Moon is caught between the Sun and Pluto.

This puts the Moon in the hot seat, a feeling of being under pressure, possibly getting criticized. These situations are not comfortable for a Virgo Moon, who tends to be anxious, preferring to fly under the radar and get stuff done.

The Moon is also in a tight square with Mars in Gemini, and a wider square with Ceres in Sagittarius. This creates pressure to take action––when perhaps the Virgo Moon thinks more analysis is needed.

A wide opposition to Neptune can make the Moon feel confused, uncertain, and ready to zone out––or offer the perfect bit of intuitive guidance to make it through the day.

The North Node of the Moon, in the Moon’s home sign of Cancer, is also still beset. Squares from the Sun and Eris, oppositions from Pluto and Saturn. It’s dangerous out there.

The best remedies right now are Virgo’s key virtues: staying humble, staying grounded, offering sincere service, and keeping to the true path.

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