Gibbous Moon in Pisces: Power

posted in: Gibbous Moon, Pisces | 0

Today we enter the Gibbous Moon, the last lunar phase before the Full Moon.

The Moon in late Pisces forms a sesquiquadrate, a square and a half, to the Sun. This is a push, edgy angle. These two connect with a challenge, although since it’s Pisces to Scorpio, the actual issue may be hidden.

Look at the chart. That Sun–Moon connection anchors a powerful pattern known as Thor’s Hammer.

The Moon sits with Neptune and Jupiter. Our clair senses are off the charts. We feel deep and powerful connections. Pulled between knowing and unknowing, certainty and confusion. We’re looking for balance.

Mars Rx in Gemini squares the Pisces group. This Mars is mouthy. Irreverent. Slipping between truth and lies easily, based on how best to get what he wants and what makes for a good story.

Mars, like the Pisces group, is sesquiquadrate the Scorpio group: Sun, Mercury, South Node, Venus. This creates Thor’s Hammer, a striking visual in the chart.

There’s tremendous power here. It’s deep, raw, and available. It could be channeled into the sublime or the ridiculous, healing or trauma, truth or lies. Probably all of the above.

This combination has a behind-the-scenes, under-the-covers feel. In the world, forces are moving we cannot see. In the personal realm, how much awareness do we have of our own drives and desires?

Thors Hammer often points to tension, contentiousness, and challenge. The Gibbous Moon brings us face to face with another hurdle, one more obstacle.

Pay attention to what comes up in the next few days. What feels irritating? Where are we suddenly being sarcastic? Edgy? Angry?

These are pointers to something unresolved in our values, in our desires, in our goals and choices. What to we need to see, recognize, accept, or release?

What’s in the way of our power? What messages will the Fates offer if we listen?

The title image is an original Midjourney render.

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