Full Moon in Sagittarius: A Long Arc

posted in: Full Moon, Sagittarius | 0

Before dawn on Monday (4:31 am EDT), the Full Moon in Sagittarius arrives.

The Moon will look most full Sunday night, although the “full” appearance will begin Saturday and extend through Tuesday.

This is the last Full Moon of the spring (in the northern hemisphere), the Strawberry Moon, the Honey Moon, the Mead Mood.

We have almost reached the Summer Solstice. The Solstice, time of equal day and night, occurs as the Sun enters the sign of Cancer. This year, this happens with the Disseminating Moon on June 21.

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Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, is the mutable Fire sign at the end of autumn, leading us into winter. This is the perfect symmetry of a Full Moon, of course, as we find the Sun in Gemini, the mutable Air sign moving us from spring into summer.

Sagittarius loves the freedom to explore. This sign of the centaur will happily travel to foreign lands, trek through unusual terrain, swap stories around the campfire with folks from many lands, and dive deep into different cultures and philosophies.

Sagittarius is warm, optimistic, generous, and inclusive. Everyone is welcome under this tent. In a year that seems focused on heavy transits, this Full Moon offers a light-hearted contrast. Its energy is buoyant, energetic, and confident.

The challenges of Sagittarius include getting too big, taking on too much, and believing their own hype. This sign doesn’t worry about details, preferring to paint in broad strokes. Sometimes, it can ignore warnings and seem allergic to cautionary advice.

Jupiter is widely conjunct the Moon now, emphasizing all these Sagittarian qualities.

The ongoing square between Jupiter and Neptune also becomes part of this Full Moon, as Neptune squares the Sun and Moon. Neptune’s presence adds an otherworldly aura.

The Jupiter–Neptune square can create overblown delusions or bright, hopeful dreams. We may feel absolutely and completely right. We may feel lost and confused. We could feel elated and hopeful, or become convinced apocalypse is right around the corner.

Full Moons illuminate. This one can show us where we are in relation to clarity and fogginess, truth and delusion, hope and despair.

So much is happening around the North Node in Cancer and South Node in Capricorn these days. This polarity is also relevant.

Mercury and Mars sit with the North Node of the Moon in Cancer, the place of the future, where new things enter.

Mars is not at home in this sign of emotional vulnerability. He wants to act, not feel. Emotions are confusing and get in the way.

The presence of Mercury can help Mars express feelings, which might sound like frustration, petulance, or passive aggression––but could also reflect a genuine struggle with how to combine sensitivity with action, vulnerability with forward movement, and honest anger.

Pluto and Saturn continue to travel with the South Node of the Moon, the place of the past, where we can release what is completed.

These three have been companions for a while now, reflecting an ongoing struggle with the legacies of past actions and decisions. Can we transform what is toxic in our collective and individual past and still honor our ancestors? Can we retain the strengths of our lineages without perpetuating their pain?

Eris the chaos goddess squares the Cancer and Capricorn groups. Our sense of the perils threatening humanity and our world could be acute right now.

These two T-squares are connected. Neptune trines the Cancer group and sextiles the Capricorn group. Eris trines the Moon and sextiles the Sun.

Holding all of this could feel like too much, the over-expansion of Sagittarius that leads to collapse. For this to work, we need a larger container.

Luckily, we have one.

This Full Moon is conjunct the Galactic Center. At 26 Sagittarius, we find the center of our Milky Way Galaxy, the black hole known as Sagittarius A*. This incredibly dense area is surrounded by fast-moving new stars.

When Copernicus showed the Sun was the center of our solar system, and not the Earth, we needed to widen our focus. We humans, who saw ourselves as the pinnacle of creation in the center if everything, were not. We needed to adjust to playing a role on a much bigger stage.

Today we know our entire solar system is part of a much larger whole that includes other systems of stars and planets, and perhaps other parallel and alternate universes. Does this make us feel small and lost? Or can we embrace an adventure that extends far beyond what we can see or grasp?

Keep in mind that cosmic Neptune can hold space for multiple realities without even trying. The Neptune–Jupiter square can challenge us to expand our view, our definitions of reality, our sense of cosmic possibilities. At this Full Moon, we can feel the exhilaration of belonging to something vast.

History indeed has a long, long arc. Does it bend toward justice? How can we know? And how do we participate?

There are uncharted territories also within our psyches. What we contribute to the world depends on how we learn and grow.

So we might hope, really, this Full Moon highlights some difficult material hidden within. If that happens, we are invited to consider new perspectives and possibilities to transform what feels stuck and hopeless into something that can change. We are encouraged to hope.

As always, checking the birth chart is helpful. Where does the Full Moon fall? Where are the Gemini Sun and Neptune in Pisces in your chart? It is also worth checking where the Cancer and Capricorn groups transit through your chart, as these areas are very active.

At the same time, this Full Moon calls us to look beyond. What is your wildest, biggest dream? Where might we dare to reach out, include more? Where is our next adventure?

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