Gibbous Moon in Scorpio: Touch the Wound

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On June 13, we reach the Gibbous Moon in Scorpio. We’re sailing to the Sagittarius Full Moon and must cross some dark Scorpionic waters to get there.

The Moon trines Mercury in Cancer, sending messages to the heart about secrets, shadows, fears, and hidden challenges. Scorpio knows. We need to know too. Listen to your heart and your gut.

This Moon sits at the apex of a yod anchored by Venus in Gemini and Chiron in Aries. The yod aspect pattern has a sextile across its base, with each of the base planets inconjunct the one at the top.

Chiron in Aries knows where we’re hurting and wants to do something. Venus in Gemini might be tempted into distraction, but her lighthearted optimism can be helpful in finding novel solutions.

The Scorpio Moon holds space in the darkness, while Uranus in Taurus, opposite, holds the answer.

How do we solve this riddle? To heal the wound, we need to touch the place we’ve been hurt. If we can hold steady, keep a light heart, and commit to real world change, surprising shifts can happen.

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