Full Moon in Pisces: Birthright

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Early tomorrow, we reach the Full Moon in Pisces, which means this Moon will appear most full tonight.

Don’t miss it.

This is the Harvest Moon, Barley Moon, Corn Moon, Fruit Moon, the Honey-Offering Moon.

Although it’s a few weeks away, this is the Full Moon closest to the Autumn Equinox. Which means the Full Moon will rise closer to sunset that usual, visible as the Sun dips below the western horizon.

This Moon will rise between Jupiter and Saturn, two of the brighter planets in our sky. If you have a clear view to the east, you’ll see this.

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This year’s Pisces Full Moon falls in the second decan, which Austin Coppock names The Net, a place where we seek happiness and find it when we can reconcile the day-to-day world with the wider realities in which we participate.

With the Sun in mid Virgo, this makes sense. Bringing together the Earth-based world of nature, with its cycles of birth and death, with the Pisces sense of an infinite expanse extending in all directions is what the Virgo–Pisces polarity is all about.

The cosmic side has extra mojo this year. We see Neptune conjunct the Moon and opposing the Sun. The connection is 7° apart, which is a bit wide, although it’s well within the 10° orb used for the luminaries.

Yet Neptune is misty, diffuse, inclusive, and enticing. Their influence often extends both wider and deeper than we anticipate. Also, this is a mutually applying conjunction, as the Moon moves toward Neptune and Neptune retrograde moves toward the Moon.

Neptune is the modern ruler of Pisces, adding another layer (if one were needed) of influence. We are in mystical territory.

The usual cautions relating to Neptune are important for tonight and the days around this Full Moon:

Emotions are likely to run high and may be tricky to track back to their sources. Honor what you’re feeling, and honor what those around you may feel, without expecting logic or cause-and-effect connections to be clear.

We are all likely to be more sensitive. This relates to emotions but also to medicines as well as recreational or spiritual substances. Go light with whatever you choose to use.

Better yet, allow this Full Moon to connect with you on their own, without additions.

Creativity will be flowing. This is a time to allow, support, and explore. Go with the flow. Literally, right now, that’s the thing to do.

Planning, scheduling, folding this inspiration into a business plan–none of these are good or necessary choices.

The closest aspect to the Full Moon comes from Uranus and the Nodes of the Moon. Uranus and the North Node in Taurus trine the Sun and sextile the Moon. The South Node, naturally, does the opposite, trining the Moon and Neptune and sextiling the Sun.

This keeps us tied in to the karmic pathway represented by the Moon’s Nodes.

The North Node in Taurus points to desires for security, stability, and an abundance of earthly things. Loyalty is a key Taurean value, but comfort is as well. This is the place of the good life.

Uranus, spending a long time with the North Node right now, shakes that up. We still want those Taurus things, but we can’t get them. Or at least, they’re not available reliably, or in the ways we’re used. Or perhaps not the ways we feel we deserve or have earned. Uranus is upsetting.

The South Node in Scorpio reminds us that the past is never past. A place of support and healing, or a place where patterns of trauma trip us up. Scorpio reminds us we cannot move forward in the ways we desire without diving deep into what is hidden in the past–our past, familial past, societal and cultural legacies.

This Taurus–Scorpio nexus is troubling. Eclipses happen along the Nodal axis, providing further shake ups to our fixed ideas about how life should work and what our lives ought to look like.

This Full Moon in Pisces invites us to soften toward all those difficult, weighty issues.

A Full Moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune offers the full range of ways to soften. We can bliss out. The substances I mentioned earlier. Other addictive patterns we might have. Simple avoidance. All are Neptunian/ Piscean ways to zone out.

If done appropriately, without excess or harming self or others, that’s fine. We all need breaks, especially when reality gets heavy.

And we’re also offered a much wider view. Sometimes challenges seem smaller when we put them in context. What seemed impossible to nine-year-old me has now become real. Having that timeline perspective helps us not stress about current challenges.

This Full Moon offers the most expansive context possible. What if you looked beyond the timeline of your current life? What if you considered moving outside the concept of time itself? That changes the picture for sure.

The Sun in Virgo provides balance. Here we’re brought back to the basics. The everyday details of life. Food. Shelter. Self care. Care for others.

While there is tension here–we can feel pulled between daily routines and cosmic perspectives–there is no conflict. Or at least, there need not be one.

We are physical beings living in a natural world. That all comes with certain needs and limits. Yet within that physicality is something more. Immanent. Intrinsic. Arising. Unfolding.

The modern world wants to deny what is beyond and tether us to the physical. This isn’t healthy, as the state of modern society so clearly demonstrates. Yet we’re told only the physical is real and deserves all our attention and effort.

Tonight’s Full Moon in Pisces says, there’s more.

The beyond, the invisible but felt, the magical. Awe. Wonder. Communion with our world rather than dominion over it. Connection. All of these are our birthright. This is who we are.

And this is the promise and invitation of this Full Moon in Pisces.

Title adapted from ANIRUDH

The remaining images emerged from Midjourney, an AI image generator that responds to keyword and/or image prompts. I fell into this last week and am fascinated. Interesting side note: Chris Brennan mentioned AI-generated images as something he felt related to this Full Moon in Pisces. I totally agree!

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