First Quarter Moon in Leo: Brave

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We have entered the First Quarter phase, the square between the Sun and Moon. We’re now halfway between eclipses: The New Moon solar eclipse in Aries is behind us, the Full Moon solar eclipse in Scorpio ahead.

With Mercury retrograde, we’ve had to slow down. What has changed? What is shifting?

The Sun in Taurus is not in favor of change, yet the first decan of this sign of fixed Earth is prepared to consider it. In the first two degrees of Taurus, we’re taking stock. How can we best use our resources? What does the land need to be productive?

The Leo Moon wants to face into the tough questions and take action.

This is a square between fixed signs, Fire and Earth. We’re being tested. You might say we’re between the hammer and the anvil. What are we made of? How strong are we?

What do we stand for?

Notice that Mars rules both the eclipses in this lunar cycle. Aries is Mars’ daytime home, where we are open, direct, and clear. We want a thing; we go get a thing.

Scorpio is Mars’ nighttime home. Here the energy is shadowy. We protect our purposes. We hide our motives. When Mars in Scorpio strikes, it feels like an unexpected attack. We choose to be wary.

At this First Quarter, Mars is tightly square Chiron. Circumstances can trigger us, and if we pay attention, healing is possible. How do we “Mars”? Are we more Aries or Scorpio? Why? When? What works well for us? What does not?

The Moon is separating from an opposition with Pluto and square to the Nodes. Pluto in Aquarius focuses on the collective. The Moon in Leo is very personal. How are we balancing between these two? Are we in it for ourselves alone? Are we working with or on behalf of our communities? What’s the best balance?

At this First Quarter, we realize where we are. We know it’s time to lean in, step up, and decide how brave we are.

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