Gibbous Moon in Virgo: Precision

posted in: Cazimi, Gibbous Moon, Retrograde, Virgo | 0

We’ve shifted into the Gibbous phase that opens with a square-and-a-half between Sun and Moon, a final challenge before the Full Moon.

We are between eclipses, moving into a Full Moon eclipse in Scorpio. Challenges are not difficult to find.

The Moon at the end of Virgo senses exactly where we are: In a time of chaotic change. Things are crumbing. Things are emerging. Which is which? In a time when all seems to be in flux, sorting one from the other is itself a challenge.

Two important events accompany the Gibbous Moon.

Earlier today, Pluto stationed retrograde. This is important for two reasons.

We know now that Pluto will not journey any further into Aquarius. Instead, the planet of depth and shadow will slowly move back into Capricorn. We’ve had a taste of what Pluto in Aquarius may bring. In the next months, we’ll revisit Pluto in Cap. Now that we’ve seen a bit of Aquarian Pluto, what do we still need to finish up with Capricornian Pluto?

We also have a reminder that Pluto has been sitting at 0º Aquarius for months. Did we need more intensity? No, probably not. But there it is! What has floated up from the depths of your psyche? What deep events have happened in your world?

The other event occurred about half an hour after we enter the Gibbous phase. Mercury reaches their cazimi, the conjunction with the Sun. This is a moment of insight and illumination, but not one we have access to right now. Mercury is hidden in the sky, obscured by their closeness to the Sun, and cannot communicate until they reappear.

Pluto station. Gibbous Moon. Mercury cazimi. These all say “challenge.”

The question, of course, is what kind of challenge? Here we turn to our own experience. We are mid-eclipses. All the things will not be clear. We have wheels within wheels within wheels. And yet, events have been unfolding. We’ve had surprises, confirmations, upsets, revelations.

Whatever has been coming up for you since the New Moon, focus on that. The Moon in Virgo loves precision. What is one thing you can examine, explore, take apart, put together, that feels important to you now? Focus on that.

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