Disseminating Moon in Gemini: Inbreath

Soon, we’ll slip into the Disseminating phase of this waning cycle. The Moon’s already in Gemini, so we’re already feeling the urge to connect.

We’re entering a time of sharing what was illuminated at the Full Moon–and remember, yesterday’s election happened in the Full Moon phase.

Now with the Gemini Moon we look for a sense of release after intensity. It’s like we’ve been holding our breath, can now let it out in a big gust of air, and inhale again, ready to talk.

The Moon @ 27 Gemini holds a connection to the Mercury-Saturn square, trining her ruler Mercury and inconjunct Saturn. She wants to help Mercury get their message out, find the right platform, and say what needs to be said.

We feel we’ve been in isolation, not able to reach out, and now we can. This is good, necessary, as long as we don’t overshare. Avoid overwhelming your networks; others feel just as much need to share their reactions as you do.

Mercury is about connection, which includes listening.

Be sure to listen today, to those you care about and to whatever media you might choose. What is being disseminated? To what purpose? What’s being spun?

Mercury, newly direct in Libra, can help us find balance and truth. Be aware, though, they’re still moving slowly and applying to square Saturn. We’re not at the end. The journey toward resolution still feels like a slog.

Still, it’s a new day. Time to open our eyes and ears, put our finger to the wind, and see what’s going on.

Image adapted from Daniel Sharp

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