Waning Trine Moon in Cancer: Hearth

posted in: Cancer, Waning Trine | 0

Today, we check in with our hearts and bodies. Yesterday with the Gemini Moon we spoke (and hopefully listened). Now we need to tend to connections in deeper ways.

The Moon is in her own sign of Cancer, where she is most caring, nurturing, and emotionally vulnerable. We want the warmth of a hug (virtual if necessary). Comfort food. The thump of our dog’s tail when we come near.

We’re settling in, getting cozy. Leaves fall from the trees. Frost crinkles the grass.

In the season of Samhain, we yearn for deeper connections. We look for our hearth fire. We check in with the ancestors, seek spirits deep within the earth. We ask: How are things? What’s the news?

We also find ourselves in an interesting time of beginnings, with all four rulers in their own cardinal signs.

The Moon will soon square Venus in Libra, then Mars in Aries, and much later, oppose Saturn in Capricorn (while also squaring Mercury). What is starting now? Which beginnings do we long for?

Tonight, the Moon trines the Sun as both luminaries apply to trine Neptune. We feel the deep roots of things even as we reach for the stars. Dream deeply tonight.

The world still moves slowly. Do not seek to rush. Instead, sink into your heart and body. Connect with those you love. What do you need? What can you authentically offer to others?

This is a day for caretaking.

Image adapted from Gabriele Rampazzo

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