Crescent Moon in Taurus: A Foot in Both Worlds

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Before dawn, we enter the Crescent phase as the Moon steps into calm, solid Taurus.

March is a very active month, astrologically. We see that already:

Since the New Moon a few days ago, Sun and Jupiter met in conjunction.

Mars and Venus each reached their conjunctions with Pluto and then entered Aquarius, where they’re conjunct each other.

Venus finally left Capricorn and her retrograde shadow behind.

Taurus never rushes. This Moon at 0 Taurus squares the Venus–Mars conjunction as people across the globe watch to see whether war will continue (Mars or some peaceful agreement can be reached (Venus).

And yet … Sun, Jupiter and Neptune together in Pisces live in another dimension entirely, on a much longer calendar than ours.

These two ways of perceiving, thinking, and feeling are not easily balanced.

We can use media or other distractions to zone out in Piscean ways, avoiding tensions indicated by the Aquarian planets.

We can doomscroll, giving in to fear and misinformation, as we watch real world events spiral out of control.

We can remove ourselves from the real world completely, retreating into a kind of spiritual bypass of believing we’re above it all.

The combination of strong Pisces and strong Aquarius could lead to any of those scenarios. I feel what we’re being asked to do, though, is something different.

In many spiritual traditions, there is a recognition of different levels of reality. There are imaginal realms that are ontologically real, but not physical. They exist alongside or within the physical.

The Moon in Taurus is fully grounded. The Aquarian planets are cerebral, in the mind. The Pisces planets are–somewhere else. They’re in the Imaginal.

What if we’re being asked to live in all those levels at once? Not become totally confused, although that can happen, but to know, deeply, that they all exist at the same time, right here.

At the Crescent Moon, we figure out how to reach our goals for this lunar cycle. Perhaps being able to live in multiple realities is a skill we’ll need.

Image adapted from julien Tromeur

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