Waxing Sextile Moon in Taurus: Make It Real

posted in: Taurus, Waxing Sextile | 0

This Taurus Moon sextiles the Pisces Sun at this moment when we get a boost of energy, a fresh idea, or a new perspective on how to reach our goals.

The Sun sits between Jupiter and Neptune in a super Pisces conclave. There is nothing these three cannot do in the realms of creativity, spirituality, and (of course) fantasy and delusion.

We might picture the Moon in gentle but determined Taurus holding firmly to the strings of the Piscean balloons, calmly reminding them that their ideas need roots.

This Moon knows how important getting real with our dreams is these days.

The Moon sits between Uranus and the North Node, both places that push us toward a future that includes significant change, whether we like it or not.

And we know how Taurus feels about change: Unless it’s natural, an unfolding of the best that’s inherent in whatever is changing, Taurus is against it. Why take chances?

This Taurus Moon knows change is not just coming, it’s here. So, willing or no, we need to come to grips with what’s unfolding and figure out how to make peace with it.

The Moon also squares Saturn in Aquarius, while Mercury in Aquarius squares the Taurus North Node. We’re tasked with building for the future. Creating goals and structures, articulating values, for the new shape of things.

Here’s where the sextile becomes so wonderful. We’re invited to infuse the processing of deconstructing/ constructing the world with inspiration, creative imagination, and deep insights.

Once again, the skies tell us we cannot avoid or escape the world, no matter how enticing Pisces makes that option. Instead, we are squarely confronted with current events, then asked not to magic it all away, but instead to dream big dreams and then work steadily to make them real.

Image adapted from Joseph Northcutt

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