Crescent Moon in Sagittarius: Tight

As we ride into the Crescent phase, we feel a surge of energy.

The Sun and Moon are half a square apart, the 45 ° that defines the Crescent Moon. Neither is alone. The Moon is tightly conjunct Venus and the South Node of the Moon. The Sun sits in an even tighter group with Mercury and Mars, both of whom have now had their cazimi.

The Moon’s group is all Fire, the fresh optimism of Sagittarius. Venus with the Moon and the South Node. Maybe conversations about new spiritual explorations? It could be an opening of connection to the ancestors. Or even a wild plan to travel someplace you’ve never been.

What did the New Moon seed for you? If there’s been conflict, perhaps new avenues might appear. New choices. If there’s been frustration about lack of progress, that can begin to shift.

It’s not all about running off into the sunset though. The other Fire in this chart includes Chiron and Eris in Aries. We feel sharp reminders about our own needs and those of the world.

The tight Sun group is in Air, in Libra. Mars and Mercury have each had their moment of illumination. Even though we won’t get the memo yet, we might sense the shift. New information. New perceptions. New desires.

Air dominates this chart. Jupiter in Aquarius and Ceres in Gemini each trine the Sun group. Saturn in Aquarius trines the North Node in Gemini. Ideas are bubbling. Our curiosity is piqued. We want more data.

The downside of this chart is the lack of easily accessible Earth or Water. So, enjoy the rush of thoughts, language, creative clarity, and perceptions while trying not to get carried away.

A Venus–Moon conjunction in Sag would actually love getting carried away, but let’s not overdo it. Enjoy the rush. Make notes. Don’t lose the car keys.

Image adapted from Ivana Cajina

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