New Moon Movement

We’re sailing through the New Moon phase these next few days with so much unfolding it deserves its own post.

If you’re feeling frustrated, contentious, or just plain pissy, that’s understandable. But know that things are shifting. Whether you’re irritated or facing others stuck in that energy, the cosmos is opening doors. Movement is underway.

This morning, Venus entered Sagittarius. This move from fixed to mutable, from water to fire, brightens everything up. Venus as Innana has returned from the underworld, ready to deal with situations in the ordinary world.

We’re not forgetting our underworld journey. We’ve got gold in our pockets we found along the way. Now we can focus on situations with creativity, optimism, and drive.

Tonight or tomorrow (depending on your time zone), Mars reaches the Sun. This event is hidden but powerful. In this moment of New Mars, a fresh cycle of action begins. Mars won’t be visible quite yet, but he’s got his mission. The Scorpio Moon may translate Mars for us, perhaps in intense dreams. We’ll get more of the message as Mars emerges.

Twelve hours later, Mercury steps into the Sun’s throne room for their cazimi. At this moment, the Moon is newly arrived in Sag and conjunct Venus. A moment of bright sweetness.

A few hours later, we enter the Crescent phase, which will have its own update.

For now, check these charts. They’re similar, of course, especially for the outer planets. Pluto, for example, is direct but remains very, very still.

Check anyway. Do any of these events touch important places in your birth chart? These are moments we might notice, when life feels good or an expected lift brightens the day.

Catch each one you can.

Image adapted from Ahmad Odeh

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