Waxing Sextile Moon in Sagittarius: Swift

We’ve just reached the waxing sextile between the Sun and Moon. I hope you’re feeling this energy!

If it’s too jittery and fast, breathe deeply and slowly. Get your feet, bare if possible, on the Earth. Otherwise, enjoy the sense of wind in your hair even if there’s no physical wind where you are.

The Moon sextiles Mars and Mercury as well as the Sun, of course, since the Libran trio are still tight. This Moon also sextiles Jupiter, squares Neptune, and trines both Chiron and Eris (because of the wide orb the Moon has).

We’re still in Air and Fire territory, so conditions are good for fresh ideas, quick shifts, and the energy to make things happen. Messages are zipping through the air.

If you feel ready to strike out on your own, trying something new and different, don’t be surprised. Both the Moon and Venus are out of bounds today. How we feel, what we desire, how we relate might have a unique, even quirky spin.

The challenges we face are still present, real, and heavy. Today’s energies can lift our hearts. As we feel a renewed sense of optimism, notice how this unlocks creative thinking. Solutions seem easier to imagine.

Let the Air flow!

Image adapted from Ryan Stone

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