Bealtaine: Words from Faerie

posted in: Pisces | 0

Overnight tonight we enter the astrological moment of Bealtaine when the Sun reaches 15 Taurus. This is a time for celebration and for protection, as crops begin their season of growth and herds are moved to summer pastures.

It is a time when the veils between the worlds are thin, which also signals opportunities for celebration and needs for protection.

The Bealtaine chart shows this is several ways. First, although the Sun is beginning to separate from Uranus, there remains a strong conjunction and square activating the Saturn–Uranus square.

Yes, it’s spring, a time of growth, a celebration of flowers, birds nesting and young animals everywhere. And yes, our world faces many challenges. We are in a time of change with no certainty of where things will end up. Both celebration and protection are called for.

The Moon in early Pisces squares Mercury in early Gemini. Portals are open. New connections can be made. Magic beckons. This is an enticing prospect and yet the Pisces Moon–Gemini Mercury combination could easily miss warning signs. This pairing is only too happy to follow glowing lights down rabbit holes with no thought of consequences.

Tonight is a good night to realize that all is not at it seems.

Perhaps the Moon and Mercury carry us away into lovely experiences, a welcome respite from a difficult reality. If you choose to follow the Gentry, be aware. Turn your coat inside out and be sure you know how to get home again.

Tonight is a good night for divination. Even ordinary happenings might point to how the coming season of growth will unfold. This is valuable and yet as with other magical things, ought to be used wisely. The Moon–Mercury square will be supporting the exchange of messages.

Welcome to the turning of the Celtic year. Tonight we enter the light half of the light half of the year. Let hearts be merry and spirits bright. At the same time, as with any night out, pay attention.

Image adapted from Toa Heftiba

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