Balsamic Moon in Taurus: Settle In

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Early Wednesday, we enter the Balsamic phase with a Moon in early Taurus. The Moon is exalted in this first decan, exulting in abundance. This decan also entices us to take it easy, confident our resources will always be there … something the world can never promise.

The Balsamic Moon is a time to rest. The Moon loses her light here, disappearing from the sky as we approach the New Moon. Time slows. Our focus turns inward. We’re pondering where we’ve been and what we learned. What do we keep? What do we release?

We find the Moon nestled in with Jupiter, still close to the North Node, and tightly squaring Venus in Leo.

Jupiter and Venus bring the Moon philosophy and creative passion. We will evaluate what to hold on to and what to let go of in terms of our view of life and our desire to create. There’s a sense of clearly the ground. We’re preparing to sow new seeds.

The Moon and Jupiter also sextile Saturn. This connection supports our process of letting go. What fits best into our creative structures? What would we like to work on, going forward?

This is an intense time for Saturn, moving very slowly before stationing retrograde on June 17, before we reach the New Moon. Saturn will remain retrograde until November 4. There’s no rush here. Saturn can help us process carefully, without hurry.

Years ago, I worked with a wonderful bodyworker trained in many modalities. One of her teachings was the idea of “intention rest,” a time when we are resting, yes, but on purpose.

Instead of flopping down and watching a video, we lie quietly and comfortable. We breathe slowly and deeply. We scan our body, sensing where we’re holding tension, breathing into that area, and letting it go.

This is what this Balsamic Moon calls for. No need to rush, and yet we can reflect, choose, release, plan for the future.

Also, rest. Sometimes the unconscious works best in sleep. Go ahead, take a nap.

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