Balsamic Moon in Scorpio: Shadow

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We’re slipping into the Balsamic phase, although Jupiter’s entry into Pisces Tuesday night has made time into something expansive and unbounded.

Or perhaps that’s the Moon in Scorpio.

Since the Full Moon, we’ve been invited again and again into the realm of Shadow, Scorpio’s territory. Venus retrograde, the Solstice, the Saturn–Uranus square, the Venus–Pluto conjunction all speak of stillness, darkness, and deep dives into a shadowy interior.

We’re in a space where motives matter. Unmet needs feel pressing. We confront what is not working in our closest relationships, in the context of yearning for something good, something stable.

Now we enter the Balsamic phase with the Moon in late Scorpio. In this third decan, we come up against desire, and how it flows through our lives.

This fits the Venus retrograde themes of examining our values and actions. Over the next few days, a process that is Capricornian is infused with a deep sense of Scorpio. What is under the earth? What can we not see in the light of day?

The process will feel potent and challenging. If we stay with it, we’ll honor Venus and prepare for the Capricorn New Moon.

This is a time to be unflinching in our self examination. Scorpio has the capacity to hold space for what is unlovely, unwanted, unacknowledged. These things, the ones we push away, are ones we might be tempted to let go of during the Balsamic phase.

The Scorpio Moon asks us to pause.

If you’re familiar with the practice of inviting our demons for tea, this is an excellent time for that. Instead of pushing away our own unwanted, we invite them in. We offer a chair, tea, cookies. We open a dialogue and ask, who are? What do you need?

How can we do better?

Image adapted from Monica Valls

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