Balsamic Moon in Aries: Separate

Tonight we enter the Balsamic phase, the waning crescent Moon that dims slowly into the New Moon. Yet this Balsamic Moon is in the first decan of Aries, a vigorous, active place. How do we approach this time?

There’s a lot going on, so this is a longer post.

The active nature of this Balsamic Moon is signaled by three other events happening just before and within this phase, events that signal change and challenge.

Last night, Mercury stationed direct at 05º 50’ Taurus. This retrograde has been a trying time of delays and miscommunication, so we’re not sorry it’s ending. Yet we want to pay attention to the intensity of the moment.

When any planet turns direct or retrograde, we say it ‘stations,’ which alerts us to the fact that the planet appears to stand still. We’re meant to notice where the station occurs and where it falls in our birth charts.

Mercury stationed at almost 6º of Taurus, separated from the North Node by less than 2º. This aligns the slowness of Mercury in Taurus with the restless, active energy of the North Node. Mercury is also sextile Saturn at 06º 17’ Pisces, less than a degree away.

Mercury in the first decan of Taurus is known for careful planning aimed at new projects, especially ones involving planting or building, slow work that creates stability and security. The sextile to Saturn supports this, while widening our scope to consider spiritual projects that explore the nature of reality. Saturn in Pisces wants to understand how reality is structured.

The North Node is a place of desire, grasping, wanting to have it all. As we think about our experiences during the retrograde, we might ask, ‘How can I find stability? What do I need to feel secure? What must I have to feel solid ground under my feet?’

At the Mercury station, the Moon and Neptune were tightly conjunct at 27º Pisces. This deepens our interest in spiritual questions, our need to understand the wider spaces of our world.

We find tonight’s Balsamic Moon at 09º 56’ Aries, a very different energy than the end of Pisces.

Here we find a set of aspects that contrast yin and yang.

With the Aries Moon, we want what we want, and we want it now. We separate from anything holding us back. We’re impatient, uncompromising, and relentless.

Yet other planets tell a different side of the story.

The Moon squares Venus in Cancer, a Venus deeply committed to images of the Mother and Child. This first decan of Cancer needs to feel connected, which can lead to enmeshment. The square from the Aries Moon creates tension between wanting to choose for ourselves and longing to feel connected to another.

The Moon is in mutual reception with Mars, now in the final decan of Cancer. Here too we feel the tension between wanting to be clear, decisive, and alone vs. feeling a sense of love and belonging.

May 16, Jupiter leaves Aries for Taurus. While Jupiter’s good luck and bounty are welcome in the sign of fixed Earth, this transition is a rocky one. Notice that the Mars/ Pluto/ Jupiter T-square has just grown stronger.

Jupiter in Taurus now forms a tight square to Pluto in Aquarius. The reality of solid ground challenges the airy heights of principle. Jupiter in Taurus would love to stay in one place and watch the grass grow. Pluto pushes for big plans and long range thinking.

It’s not a comfortable connection.

The T-square with Mars opposite Pluto and both squared by Jupiter is tighter and stronger now. Mars trine Neptune is also still in play, adding uncertainty and indecision.

Severe and principled Pluto pushes against Mars in Cancer’s narrow focus on family. Meanwhile, Jupiter wants to examine those underlying principles, understand their context, and turn them into art.

Pluto is ready to embrace exile to do what is right. Mars is peevish, resisting the loss of what is familiar. Jupiter doesn’t care whether we go or stay, as long as we’re creative and passionate about it.

This T-square creates tension.

Jupiter also moves to conjunct the North Node, which aligns the exuberant generosity of Jupiter with the grasping desires of the head of the dragon. We’ll feel driven to pursue our goals, whether or not those goals are good ones.

Before Jupiter reaches the North Node, though, Mars will enter Leo. This maintains the T-square with all three planets in fixed signs. Mars in Leo is much stronger than Mars in Cancer. How will things come into focus then?

The Balsamic phase is about letting go, going to ground, resting in the dark. The Moon in Aries might feel compelled to let go by creating sharp separations between past and future, desire and duty, self and other.

The need for separation may be strong and should be honored. Keep in mind, however, that the chaos of eclipse season and the Mercury retrograde is still settling. Plan, perhaps, a temporary separation. Unless you have clear messages from the eclipses, this may not be the time for permanent changes.

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