Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius: Freight Train

posted in: Aquarius, Last Quarter Moon | 0

Friday’s Last Quarter square between the Sun and Moon captures a set of mid month aspects that combine uncertainty and nostalgia with the inexorable forces of change.

Emotions are slightly less intense than during the Full Moon eclipse, but we’re still processing. Depending on how closely the eclipse aspected your birth chart, you might be anywhere from “What just hit me?” to “Why are things so weird?”

A late Aquarius Moon squaring a late Taurus Sun help us see what the Full Moon eclipse is bringing our way, even if we’re not comfortable with it. Uranus joins this square, asking us not just to accept the inevitable, but embrace it.

Two other patterns add layers.

A T-square joins Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto. Pluto is now retrograde at 0º Aquarius. Mars at 25º Cancer moves to oppose Pluto. Jupiter at 29º Aries squares both.

These three, in challenging aspects, can spin different tales:

Times are hard, we need to dig deep just to stay alive, but let’s be philosophical about it rather than lose hope.

We feel threatened by what seems to be emerging from the collective psyche, yet believe action is still possible.

In the face of challenge, we want to draw closer together, yet where do we draw the line? Who do we include? Who is left out?

At the same time, a Kite connects Venus, Saturn, Mercury retrograde, and the Nodes of the Moon.

A Kite is a Grand Trine with sextiles on top. These connections are supportive. Still, the message is not as clear as it might be.

Venus, Saturn, and the South Node of the Moon form a Grand Trine in Water.

We experience longing for a past, perhaps a past so distant we never experienced it. Sure, there were dangers then too, but did things feel so bleak? Can’t we find a way back?

Mercury retrograde and the North Node of the Moon oppose the South Node and form sextiles to Venus and Mercury. We want something solid, reliable, dependable. If it’s not in the literal past, maybe we need the skills and values of the past? Would this work?

The Last Quarter is a time to make good on what we learned at the Full Moon, but in an eclipse season, we’re still paying attention and processing. It’s confusing. We can feel change coming without knowing whether it’s good or bad, things we want or things we prefer to avoid.

The Moon in Aquarius reminds us to stick with our core principles. The Sun in Taurus says, feel the earth under your feet. Remember where you stand.

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