Waxing Trine Moon in Scorpio: Guardian of the Well

posted in: Scorpio, Waxing Trine | 0

Tomorrow’s trine between the Sun and Moon offers solace and comfort. The world is full of challenge. It’s worth noticing, and welcoming, support.

The Jupiter–Pluto–Pallas conjunction continues strong, square Eris and sextile Neptune. The Mars–Saturn sextile has the feel of a sparring match, the new kid on the block seeing what he cab take from the old master.

The Scorpio Moon trines the Cancer Sun with Mercury and Vesta, and also trines Ceres the grain goddess. This Grand Trine in Water is fertile, nourishing. We can float in these waters like a healing bath.

This is no stagnant pool, though. The Grand Trine is really a Kite. The Moon opposes Uranus in Taurus, who sextiles Sun–Mercury–Vesta and Ceres. Which is entirely in keeping with the patterns here: With careful tending, with healing support, out of the depths, new growth emerges.

When we are supported, growth is welcome.

The Moon holds the apex of a yod as well, one with Venus and Chiron across its base. The depths within our psyches and within the world soul seeks balance between optimistic curiosity and urgent wounds.

Again, Uranus in Taurus is the answer. New growth, emerging in unexpected places, looking way different than we thought it would, offers hope.

Late tomorrow, 12 hours after the trine, Mercury reaches their cazimi, joining the Sun. The Grand Water trine still holds, barely, as it reaches to include Neptune. The Sun and Mercury tightly square Chiron.

Healing comes from the waters. The ancient guardians of the wells were women, often magical women, the nurturers, the healers. As these aspects form and shift, connect with the waters that sustain us all. Feel how we are carried and fed by Water.

Image by Frank Albrecht

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