Waxing Trine Moon in Libra: Refract

posted in: Libra, Waxing Trine | 0

We’ve been traveling these last two days with the Virgo Moon, careful, detailed-oriented, sometimes anxious. Tonight, just before midnight in my time zone, the Moon enters Libra and forms a trine to the Gemini Sun.

This waxing trine inside the First Quarter phase offers insight. What is it we’re meant to see?

The Sun entered Gemini to find a world filled to the brim with possibilities. So many perceptions. So many curiosities. So much buzzing, blooming, enticement.

The Sun’s first aspect was a square to Jupiter in Pisces, still very active. Now we have two kinds of “many.” In Gemini, the muchness of the world of ideas and things. In Pisces, all the worlds of emotion and intuition and magic and confusion. Which to choose? How to choose?

This Libra Moon offers balance, harmony, and an invitation to consider other perspectives than our own.

Maybe after the slow, steady pace of Taurus, emerging into Gemini feels overwhelming. The Libra Moon says, find a middle way. Take some deep breaths. Consider what you need right now. Check in with those you care about.

Maybe your response to Gemini has been a great big “yes!” Finally! Movement, excitement, color, variety. Here the Libra Moon says, let’s move gently. At a good pace, not lightning speed. Let’s be sure we’re not leaving anyone behind.

Gemini comes with a lot of air and light. Pisces brings oceans and mists. The Libra Moon says, let’s see how the light changes between these two. What component colors are here? How do things bend? How do appearances change as our point of view shifts?

The world invites our active, curious participation. We don’t have to do it all at once. Where is the balance point for you?

Image adapted from FLY:D

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