Waxing Sextile Moon in Virgo: Hidden Depths

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Within the Crescent phase, we experience a sextile between Sun and Moon that offers insight. The Moon travels fast so these moments are fleeting, something to catch as it unfolds.

Tonight’s waxing sextile opens a window on something much more vast, complex, and compelling. The Crescent phase invited us to connect mind and body. This sextile shows what we can sense and explore when mind and body are one whole.

A late Virgo Moon sextiles the Sun in late Cancer. These are the practical aspects of caring, the feeling that care is needed but with steady work and attention to detail, can be provided.

These two form one side of a pattern called a Mystic Rectangle, based on interlaced trines, sextiles, and oppositions. Whether or not all such patterns deserve the name “mystic,” this one certainly does:

Moon opposite Neptune. Sun opposite Pluto. Neptune sextile Pluto. Moon trine Pluto. Sun trine Neptune.

Both of our lights connect to forces of deep disruption and transformation. Virgo and Cancer must look beyond day-to-day concerns to see a vista that spans time as well as distance.

We’re in mythic territory. A jaunt into the woods to see elves now sends us into Mordor.

There’s also a Kite pattern with the Cancer Sun at its apex. Moon and Pluto trine Ceres in Taurus, a Grand Trine in Earth. Ceres and the Moon sextile the Sun, adding creating the Kite.

Here too we see underworld journeys as a theme. Ceres, Pluto, Moon speak to Persephone’s story, Demeter’s loss and recovery of her beloved daughter that led to the Eleusinian Mysteries. If we see the asteroid Ceres representing goddess energies more widely, we can fold in Psyche’s journey to Hades at Aphrodite’s behest.

All of these patterns open the same windows of perception: Our daily lives unfold in the context of something much larger, grander, and deeper. Awe, a natural response to such experiences, includes fear as well as wonder. We need not be immobilized, though. We can be amazed as well.

Image adapted from Daan Mooij

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