First Quarter Moon in Libra: Seeing Patterns

posted in: First Quarter Moon, Libra | 0

Early Saturday, we reach the First Quarter square. This is a challenge and call to action as the Moon squares the Sun, Libra to Cancer.

Simply, this is a call to come out into the light. To look beyond narrow definitions of self, family, and circles of care to consider others.

Who do we leave out when we draw our lines? Is that OK?

And as we’ve seen so far this lunar cycle, there is nothing simple about this First Quarter.

Sun and Moon form a T-square with Pluto in late Capricorn. Questions about how we separate self and other take on wider, deeper meanings. Within the self, are we denying our Shadow in ways that leave us feeling righteous? Time to consider whether this is health or hubris. In the outer world, which needs are we ignoring because they’re not relevant to us personally?

Include the asteroid Eris and we have a Grand Cross in the cardinal signs. Widening our circles of care is not just a moral question. We can no longer ignore our links around this globe. What happens thousands of miles away affects our air, water, weather, health, safety, life.

Our personal challenges are linked to bigger issues in the world and in the collective unconscious. Personal action without reference to wider contexts may not have the impact we desire. Those wider contexts also affect our ability to act and the outcomes we experience.

This might feel like chaos. Instead, we’re invited to look for patterns. The natural world is filled with fractals, mandala-like arrangements in everything from the very small to the very large. Where we can find the pattern, we can find ways to create positive outcomes.

Image adapted from Taylor Wilcox

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