Waxing Sextile Moon in Scorpio: Tending the Shadow

posted in: Scorpio, Waxing Sextile | 0

Today’s Sun–Moon sextile invites us to look deep into shadow. The sextile is a flowing connection, an energized one. This is a time of insight and understanding.

We find the Sun in the final, anarectic degree of Virgo and the Moon in the same intense final degree of Scorpio. The luminaries are in fearless places for gazing into things we usually prefer to avoid.

Yes, we’re in the Crescent phase, a time of growth and newness. Yet our focus is drawn to endings. What is breaking down? What is dissolving? What must disintegrate so a new integration can begin?

Often we have a general sense of what needs to be released but we tend to shy away from a deep look. “Oh, that, yes, that can go,” we say without paying close attention to what “that” has been for us.

Today we have the strength and focus to look, really look, at what is decaying, what is done.

Remember, shadow is not about what’s “bad.” Instead, it holds what has been rejected. It’s possible you need some key quality that you hid away in the past to be more acceptable, more “normal.”

Do you need to cut away old thorns to reach the heart of your own castle?

Perhaps a clue is to consider what is out of balance. We’ll soon reach the Autumn Equinox, the moment the Sun enters Libra.

Today, ask yourself, where am I out of balance? What needs to be let go so I can come into harmony with my best self?

The answer will be found in shadow places.

Image adapted from Michael Mouritz

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