Waxing Sextile Moon in Pisces: Dream Big

posted in: Pisces, Waxing Sextile | 0

We float with a waxing Moon in Pisces today (Thursday) on a journey that began Wednesday evening with the Moon meeting Jupiter and connecting with Big Magic.

Today will be a Piscean day. How will you flow with it? How comfortable are you with dreams, visions, mist, ambiguity, confusion?

Venus is gone from the sky now. Her evening star disappeared on January 3. Saturday evening, she will join the Sun for her cazimi, her illumination, but we won’t see her in the sky again until January 15.

Where are you in your journey with Venus? How is this reflected in relationships, values, creativity?

If your day requires you to focus on facts and details, be aware things might not feel as sharp or in focus as usual. As you can, allow space for open-ended reflection and exploration.

If you can spend time with dreams and visions, even a little time, go for it. The goal is not to reach conclusions but to dream, and dream big. What’s pulling your attention? What’s drawing you in? Where are Jupiter and the Moon and Neptune (all in Pisces) inviting you?

This is a day doors can open. Portals can appear. Walls can dissolve. New ideas show up.

Overnight, we’ll reach the waxing sextile, when the Sun and Moon check in and talk. At this moment, the Moon will join Neptune, reaching the exact conjunction not long after the sextile with the Sun.

This is when something might crystalize. It’ll be a good night to keep a notebook by your bed. A good night to plan for plenty of sleep and maybe set intentions for the dreams you’d love to have.

Image adapted from Cristofer Maximilian

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