Waxing Sextile Moon in Leo: Bold!

posted in: Leo, Waxing Sextile | 0

Saturday night and this Leo Moon wants to shine. The sextile between Sun and Moon adds a bold flavor to Gemini’s lighthearted curiosity. Tonight, something could break loose.

The Sun–Moon sextile is only the beginning.

This fiery Moon squares Uranus and trines Chiron. Does bold action bring us up against old wounds? If so, unconventional approaches to healing might be surprisingly effective.

Or maybe the other way around: A unexpected event triggers old patterns of hurt. Now the Fire of a Leo Moon and Chiron in Aries help us face that wounding unflinchingly and take healing action.

This combination of Leo Moon, Gemini Sun, Uranus in Taurus, and Chiron in Aries tells us surprises are in store. Stay alert. Think on your feet. Turn on a dime.

Surprise yourself.

Image adapted from Peter Fazekas

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