Waxing Sextile Moon in Gemini: Worldbuilding

posted in: Gemini, Waxing Sextile | 0

In a few hours, we reach the waxing Sun–Moon sextile within the Crescent phase. The Moon’s in late Gemini conjunct Mars, square Neptune, trine Jupiter, and quincunx Pluto. Mercury, approaching cazimi, participates too.

The energy feels bright, strong, powerful. We’re in the final decan of Gemini ruled by the Sun (decan system) and Saturn (triplicity system).

Here we face the unfolding possibilities of infinite worlds and are offered choice.

Notice I say “offered.” Choices must be made, but we are not forced between ‘A’ and ‘B,’ yes or no. We have agency. We have creative power.

Worldbuilding is the process writers go through to, well, create a world. Middle Earth. Narnia. Westeros. Kanto. Wakanda. We’re invited into this process.

Don’t like your world? Make a new one.

Naturally, it’s not as simple as it sounds. I am no devotee of The Secret, nor do I believe we totally control our reality. At the same time, what we call ‘reality’ is more complex and malleable than we might think.

What would it take to change the world? What would it take to change your world?

Exciting to think about, isn’t it?

Yet it’s not easy and it’s not always kind. As we grapple with worldbuilding, we come up against what Tolkien called “the doom of choice.” Not the worst-thing-ever kind of doom, but the knowledge that each choice eliminates other possibilities.

To create a world, we let go of other possible worlds.

Stephen King said about writing, “kill your darlings.” That’s exactly what Stephen King would say, but he’s not wrong. To be coherent, our creations must have structural integrity.

Here we are back with Aquarius, the place of clarity and principle. From our foundations come everything else.

Today, feel dazzled by the myriad possibilities. It might feel like too much, too fast, yet the overall vibe is optimistic.

Know that whatever we imagine will rely on its foundational principles. These determine character.

What are yours?

Image adapted from a painting by Vladimir Kush

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