First Quarter Moon in Leo: Foundations

posted in: First Quarter Moon, Leo | 0

A few hours ago, we entered the First Quarter phase as the Moon at 0° Leo squared the Sun newly arrived at 0° Taurus.

With Mercury also in this sign of Fixed Earth, joining Venus and Uranus there, it feels like we’ve stepped into a new world. And we have, because we’re creating new worlds during this waxing cycle.

The First Quarter square is a time of testing. We planted seeds, we grew new visions. Now we have to make good on our promises. Are we really going to commit to our goals? Have we got the skills we need to get there?

The Leo Moon wants to shine, to be ready to take center stage and be seen. Yet we’re still wet behind the ears at this point in the cycle. Maybe we’ll get into the spotlight too early and falter. Leo hates that. What to do?

This Leo–Taurus square asks us to check foundations. Every artist, every maker, every creative must have foundational skills in place. This is the time to figure out what we need to learn. Hone our skills. Work on our craft.

Taurus is all about putting down roots. The roots of earth are stone.

Little-known fact: Like icebergs, mountains are mostly underground. The majestic peaks we see are supported from beneath by massive stony roots. Those deep roots keep mountains stable as they “float” in the earth’s matrix.

Today and for the next days during this phase, consider your foundations. To reach the goals you’re aiming for, what knowledge, skills, and understandings do you need?

This sense of developing new skills is reflected in where we find Mercury and Venus. Both are emerging from their meetings with the Sun, both still combust. In fact, even their conjunctions with revolutionary Uranus will happen under the Sun’s beams. When each emerges in the evening sky, they will be changed and strengthened.

Will your journey be one of developing something new? Or claiming something you already have within you but have not fully aligned with? What roots will you need to grow so you can reach the sky?

That’s the First Quarter challenge.

Image adapted from Vista Wei

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