Waxing Sextile Moon in Gemini: Are We There Yet?

posted in: Gemini, Waxing Sextile | 0

This morning, the Gemini Moon checks in with the Aries Sun. The energy is bright, curious, active, youthful, and a bit tricksterish.

This is the waxing sextile between Sun and Moon, a spark of connection and insight.

There’s a sleight of hand quality to this chart. Notice how Mars and Saturn are in the exact same degrees in Aquarius as Jupiter and Neptune are in Pisces–but they’re too close to see each other.

How comfortable are you with paradox? What if your perceptions flipped and slipped between manifest reality and … somewhere else?

Venus is newly arrived in that Somewhere Else. She’s the only planet in the first decan of her sign. She might be feeling as though she’s fallen down the rabbit hole. Can she trust these new feelings?

Chiron and Mercury both separate from the Sun but are still under the beams. They are changed but not sure what that means.

Are we there yet? Where is ‘there’ and how will we recognize it?

Embrace the bright curiosity of Gemini and the newborn drive of Aries as we sort out the various realities presenting themselves.

It looks good so far, doesn’t it?

Title adapted from Mesut Kaya

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