Waxing Sextile in Pisces: Visionary

posted in: Pisces, Waxing Sextile | 0

Within the Crescent phase, Sun and Moon reach a sextile, a 60º aspect that is an energized connection.

The Moon in early Pisces has moved beyond the crystal-clear logic of Aquarius to embrace mystical ways of knowing. Here we are beyond even prediction. We’re in the realm of prophecy, a word whose etymology goes back to the idea of interpreting the will of the gods.

The Sun–Moon sextile is echoed as Venus and Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces. Our values and sense of what we related to (Venus) as well as our perceptions, processing, and communication (Mercury) are in touch with the great mysteries (Neptune).

The Moon applies to square Mars, out of bounds and retrograde in Gemini. This Mars is barely moving, slowing down to station direct. Can you feel the shift? Something like the turning of the tide. Although the direct station is still weeks away (Jan 12), we feel wind in our sails again.

Another source of power for Mars is a conjunction with the red star Aldebaran, the southern Eye of the Bull in Taurus. Aldebaran is the Watcher of the East, a star with Martian characteristics, allowing these two to reinforce each other.

Tuesday is a good day for divination, especially regarding plans and actions. We are visionaries with an eye on practical outcomes.

The title image is an original Midjourney render.

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