Waxing Sextile in Capricorn: Illusion/Delusion

posted in: Capricorn, Waxing Sextile | 0

As we move toward the Full Moon eclipse in Taurus, we enter a new terrain.

Mercury has joined the Sun and Venus in Scorpio. Our perceptions, processing, and communication enter the shadows. We’re deeply aware of power, where and how it’s used, and how that feels.

This evening, the Moon sextiles the Sun, early Capricorn to early Scorpio. Saturn’s trip through Cap during the early pandemic and Pluto’s ongoing presence has made this cardinal Earth sign feel difficult and unpleasant. But take note: this Moon is our grounding, keeping us tethered.

The Moon will sextile Venus, sextile and trine the Nodes, square Chiron, trine Uranus, and finally join Pluto to sextile Neptune and Jupiter.

Tomorrow morning, Mars turns backward, beginning their retrograde journey in the mirror world of Gemini.

We enter deep and shadowy places. Chaos abounds. Time itself bends and warps.

What is real? What does real even mean? Images, words, sources, sounds–what can we trust as authentic, meaningful, and true?

Scorpio wants to know the answers. Right now, the Capricorn Moon is our best barometer.

Illusions can entice, drawing us in with promises of belonging, revenge, riches, love. Once these shade into delusions, though, we are lost.

The body knows what is real. Our bones resonate with it.

As we continue our journey, stay on the path. Enjoy the bright visions but do not follow them. When something pulls at you, ask the Capricorn Moon: Is this real? Is this for me?

Listen to the answer.

The title image is an original Midjourney render.

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