Crescent Moon in Sagittarius: Lift

posted in: Crescent Moon, Sagittarius | 0

Later today, we enter the Crescent Moon phase. The Moon in late Sagittarius lifts us up, offering a different look on the shadowy territory we’ve entered.

We’re on a journey with this Moon as she leaves a sextile with Saturn (are we well prepared?) to square Neptune, trine Eris, oppose Mars, and square Jupiter. We have much to see, learn, and experience.

This is the time when we gain clarity. The Moon has enough light to be seen and to illuminate our way forward.

Clarity is relative, of course. This is an eclipse time. Still, this new view is welcome. Valuable. Exciting, even.

What has emerged for you in these days since the eclipse New Moon?

Venus remains very close to the Sun. Mercury in late Libra slips under the beams.

What we perceive and think and communicate, what we feel about relationships, values, and beauty, all link back to the Sun’s golden power.

Yet with the Sun in Scorpio, the light shines into darker places. We’re drawn into the depths.

First, accept the flight. Take the chance to peek at the terrain ahead. All explorers look for the high places to gauge their progress and what lies before them.

Don’t miss this chance to soar.

The title image is an original Midjourney render.

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