Waning Trine Moon in Taurus: Steady On

posted in: Taurus, Waning Trine | 0

Tomorrow morning’s Waning Trine happens just as the Moon leaves feisty Aries behind and slips into comfortable, steady Taurus.

Friday has the potential to be a calm day. This is an Earth to Earth trine. Taurus steadies Virgo, reassuring our anxieties and reminding us there’s still time. The Taurus Moon can even extend its patient caring to Mars and Mercury, also in Virgo.

There’s less influence from the outer planets, who seem to be mostly disruptive these days. It might feel like a nice (if temporary) break. We can get things done, ordinary things that make life happen, yet get shunted aside in the midst of crisis.

Trines are such smooth, easy connections, we can miss them if we’re not paying attention. This trine is one we don’t want to skip. There are extra chances: the Moon will trine Mercury and then Mars over the next few days. Still, check in with yourself Friday morning as you start your day.

Friday is Venus’ Day. Venus, currently strong in her own sign of Libra, also rules Taurus. This strengths a sense of harmony and balance.

If you feel calmer, steadier, and more content, let those feelings unfold. Enjoy the day. Thanks the Taurus Moon.

Image adapted from Egor Lyfar

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