Disseminating Moon in Aries: Impatience

posted in: Aries, Disseminating Moon | 0

Overnight tonight, the Moon forms the square-and-a-half to the Sun that signals we’re entering the Disseminating phase.

This is when we’re ready to share our Full Moon experience and act on what we’ve learned.

Today we’re already in that energy.

The waning Moon is now in Aries, opposing Venus in Libra and conjunct Chiron the wounded healer. This Moon wants action. Enough of the deep thinking and passionate emoting, what are we going to DO?

Yet we may not know what to do. Not yet. Mercury still opposes Neptune. Our detailed plans are still wrapped in big dreams. Mars, ruler of the Aries Moon is in careful Virgo. Soon he will move into the same opposition to visionary and foggy Neptune.

So today and tomorrow, we might feel impatient. Possibly also anxious.

It’s that sense of pressure when we feel we should have done a thing already. We’re still procrastinating and we’re not clear why.

The Moon is with Chiron, so, the invitation is to notice your triggers. What pushes you to the edge? Where do you want to snap at someone, or something?

With the Sun, Mars, and Mercury in Virgo, we’re in a season of careful, small steps. This comes with a detailed appreciation for the natural world, which is lovely. But neither of these satisfy the Aries urge to fix something NOW.

It’s not that the world is against us. The time is not yet ripe. We’re not ready.

Instead, notice where the frustrations pop up and attend to those patterns. There are opportunities for healing here.

Image adapted from Icons8 Team

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