Waning Sextile Moon in Libra: Possibility

posted in: Libra, Waning Sextile | 0

This sextile between the Sun (26º57’ Sag) and Moon (26º57’ Libra) shows us what might be possible. Are we stepping in to the new roles emerging for us? If so, there is much to learn.

The Libra Moon opposes Eris (R 23º58’ Aries), trines Saturn (21º11’ Aquarius), and squares Pluto (27º15’ Cap). Perhaps new alliances can help address the urgent problems of our world.

The Sun squares Neptune (22º42’ Pisces) and Jupiter (29º51’ Pisces) while trining Eris. Vision, enthusiasm and a bit of magic open up new ideas and strategies.

Mars Rx (12º15’ Gemini) currently sextiles Chiron Rx (11º56’ Aries). Chaotic energies can disrupt our capacity to focus. Chiron’s presence highlights what triggers us while opening paths to healing those patterns.

Sextiles are energized, supportive communications. This connection between a Fire Sun and Air Moon lifts our spirits in the face of challenge and ignites new ideas.

The title image is an original Midjourney render.

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