Waning Sextile Moon in Cancer: Home

posted in: Cancer, Waning Sextile | 0

The Moon is in tender-hearted Cancer. If you’re craving hugs, chocolate, or a feel-good beach read, thank the Cancer Moon. Here in western North Carolina, we have soft rain after a stormy night. Perfect.

This evening, we’ll reach the waning sextile between the Moon and Sun. Within the Last Quarter phase, this sextile offers an “aha!”

This one will have something to do with what “home” means to us.

The Moon is out of bounds right now. So we’re intense about issues related to family, where we live, and what home means.

There’s also a lot of aspect patterns in play, tying this Moon to the Sun, Saturn, Mercury, Mars, Uranus, Chiron, and the Nodes of the Moon.

What makes a home? Our ideas of home have changed. Are changing.

The pandemic kept us home, blurring boundaries between work and home, school and home. We’re acutely aware of how our current home works and does not work for us.

Armed conflicts and natural disasters create the dispossessed, about a quarter of whom are refugees. The UN estimates the number of refugees today at a staggering 26.4 million.

What if we lost our home? What if we need to share our home?

These are deep questions, not to be solved quickly. Against this background, today’s sextile offers an insight.

Perhaps feeling (under this waning Moon) that “home” is not our stuff. Perhaps connecting to certain heirlooms or keepsakes that do mean home. Perhaps looking at a landscape, a city, friends, family, and knowing, “this is what I need to be home.”

Look for that moment of realization.

Collage of Luke Stackpoole
and Pablo Merchán Montes

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