The Dark of the Moon: The Waning Sextile, Aries Equinox, & Balsamic Moon

We reach the Aries ingress tonight. This year’s equinox happens at the dark of the Moon, which is a paradox wrapped in mystery. It is also an answer, of sorts, to the question of what we do now.

We will reach the Aries point, the alpha, the place where new things come in. Here we begin a new zodiacal year.

The Fire of Aries ignites birth. We are energized. Desire inflames us. We want to move, to act.

Yet this is a dark moon time. Last night, the Moon sextiled the Sun as she was sequestered between Pluto and Saturn. Heavy territory in which to gather news.

Today, the Moon sails through Aquarius, first squaring Uranus and now moving to square Venus, clashes of Air and Earth in which imperative needs to change run up against the determination to stay the same.

Tomorrow’s Balsamic phase begins with an Aquarius Moon square Venus and conjunct Ceres. It all be difficult to choose what to let go of, yet we are compelled to choose.

The darkest time will occur as the Pisces Moon glides through the dissolution of all things, before herself reaching Aries.

We find we are back in the midst of Fire in Water, longing for the spark that will ignite our hope of a new dawn.

The tales I shared during the waxing cycle focused on magic outside, the way an unexpected and powerful illumination came to the “wrong” person.

I now see that the arrival of this year’s equinox during the dark of the moon is pointing us inward. Don’t look for a powerful mage or witch to initiate you. We are meant to find our inner fire. We’re meant to ignite our inner magic.

As we find that inner flame, we can share the light and warmth and rekindle the world. But first, we go into the dark.

Image by Priscilla Du Preez

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