Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius: Borderlands

We’re in the Last Quarter phase, turning inward, moving from Full Moon sharing to letting go.

Dane Rudhyar called Quarter Moons “crisis times.” Moon and Sun square each other at the ends of Sagittarius and Pisces. As I write, the Moon has entered Capricorn, the corridor of Earth that feels so heavy these days.

The Moon sextiles Mercury, now @ 0 Pisces, and will soon conjunct the South Node. Saturn waits @ 29 Capricorn. Mercury trines the North Node and sextiles the South, while Uranus @ 4 Taurus does the opposite.

We are at an edge. We don’t know what this edge is, or represents, or will become. We’re crossing into new territory whether we will or no.

This is a borderland, a mix of magic and reality, fiction and truth, concrete and mist. We can’t tell one from the other. In a sense, we’re not meant to. Here, reality itself is mutable. What we expect will help determine what is.

Let’s widen the lens. We’ve entered the final quarter of the current lunar phase, yes. We’ve reached the end of the current zodiacal year as well. Pisces is the final sign, the dissolution of what has been, what we’ve won and lost, before we begin again.

You may also know we’re in a much larger transition, moving from an astrological age of Earth into the age of Air. These are 200 year cycles, so the border between them is wider and fuzzier. Yet, at the end of this year, we reach the definitive point when the various ways of calculating converge: The conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius.

It’s easy to fall into language about Saturn and Jupiter “causing” this or that. We’ve got enough fingerpointing going on already, so let’s instead recognize we’re in a system of resonances, patterns, and symbols.

We look at cosmic patterns as one way to anticipate, to see-ahead.

Today that “seeing-ahead” includes us. What have we learned this lunar cycle? This year? This age? What can we let go off? What will we embrace? Between now and the New Moon, we’re figuring that out.

The border between past and future is now.

Image by Christophe Hautier

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