New Moon in Scorpio: What Lies Beneath

posted in: New Moon, Scorpio | 2

We’ve reached the New Moon in Scorpio, a place of depth, intensity, and (potentially) peace.

I know Scorpio is not generally thought of as peaceful, so, let’s consider where we are in this tumultuous year.

In the last few days, during the Balsamic phase leading into this New Moon, two key events occurred. Jupiter and Pluto met for their third and final conjunction of this cycle. And Mars stationed direct.

Now, neither of these key events are finished. Jupiter–Pluto is probably linked to both the surge in covid cases worldwide, and the transfer of power in the US. We don’t know yet how either of these highly significant chains of events will play out.

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Mars is now direct but barely moving. Some of us have felt a little relief. Others feels as if the pressure is only increasing. Mars remains in Aries until January 6.

On the other side of this New Moon, we enter eclipse season, our second for this year.

The upcoming Full Moon in Gemini will be a penumbral lunar eclipse. The following New Moon in Sagittarius will be a total solar eclipse. These eclipses will bring a culmination and then a beginning, initiating cycles that will unfold over the next six months.

And of course the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on the Solstice reflects another great turning point, decisively ushering in the Age of Air.

Considered in relation to the events around it, perhaps you can see why I consider this New Moon as a time of peace.

I don’t mean something easy, like a quiet hour reading your favorite book, or the calm of low tide at the shore. This is, instead, a peace that is hard won. A peace appreciated because of what surrounds it. A peace we enter willingly, deliberately, knowing we’ll be changed by the experience.

This is a Scorpio kind of peace.

The strongest aspect pattern at the New Moon is a T-square. Venus @ 22 Libra opposes Eris @ 23 Aries. Both square Pluto @ 22, and Jupiter and the asteroid Pallas Athena @ 23 Capricorn.

These are all cardinal signs. Something wants to begin. Will this new thing address the global crises that Eris represents?

Will it honor the balance and integrity of Venus in Libra? Can the Capricorn group choose to build anew? Or will they hold out for more of the same?

There is tension here and many possible answers.

The Sun and Moon @ 23 Scorpio sextile the Capricorn group. This energized connection can share key intelligence and search for solutions.

Imagine you can escape the chaos of the world in 2020. You find the entrance to a marvelous, mysterious cave whose caverns lead deep underwater. You find you can breathe in the depths and so you walk under, following shadowy paths, looking for guidance.

These are the caverns of the archetypes. These are the impulses, drives, energies that fuel and, at times, direct what happens in the world above. These are the powers we need to understand and befriend.

As we journey through the shadows, we meet our own archetypal figures too. For the realms that fuel the world are the same ones that fuel our psyches.

To understand the world, we must plumb our own depths. This is not because we create the world, but because we are cocreated with it. We influence but do not control. And our way in to that influence is through self understanding and acceptance.

This is not easy, but it is Scorpio.

Your birth chart can help point you to where your cave entrance is for this New Moon journey. Check to see which house the New Moon falls in. Where are Venus, Eris, and the Capricorn group? Are they aspecting any of your key planets or points?

Another way to choose where you might want to explore is to think about what’s come up for you this year. Where have your key challenges been? What are your most vulnerable triggers? Where has it been toughest to keep hope and joy alive?

At the Scorpio New Moon, we don’t choose what’s easy. Instead, we dive in to the deepest, the darkest, the most tender. This is where we’ll learn the most. This js where we’ll find the treasure we need to keep going.

Whether we focus on issues in the outer world or choose to explore our own challenges, we’re looking for what lies beneath. That’s where the power is.

The astrological charts are my own. The images in this post include the title,
adapted from the cave by Nicolas Häns,
and the following images:
the ice by Tom Barrett, and
the boots and flowers by emma valerio

2 Responses

  1. John Hempstead

    Thanks for this review and positive look at Scorpio. This sounds like a peaceful transition of the presidency to Biden. The signs look good, especially the upcoming conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter that are ushering in welcome Aquarian energy. Perhaps we have turned the corner away from autocracy.

    • RisingMoon

      Thank you, John, and I hope you are right. It’s what I would wish, certainly. I hope you’re keeping well!

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