New Moon in Scorpio Election: Swift Messages

posted in: New Moon, Scorpio | 0

Note: The time change in the U.S. will happened overnight on the 7th. The time on this chart is standard time (not daylight).

I’m continuing to learn more about electional astrology, so my technique will be changing (and, I do hope, improving). I am just completing Nina Gryphon’s Magical Elections course, which I recommend highly.

This month, I did manage to find an electional chart I can recommend, despite the challenges presented with the New Moon. The chart is for Sunday, November 7, at 10 am EST.

This is a portentous day, since we reached astrological Samhain just after midnight, and will enter the Crescent phase on Sunday evening. There is a liminal quality we will all feel.

The Moon is visible once again in the sky, and far enough away from the Sun to shine with her own light. She is conjunct the Ascendant in a sign ruled by Jupiter, the great benefic.

There is a lightness and optimism to this chart that can carry any intentions forward. The Moon is moving swiftly, suitable to Sagittarius.

The Moon is not dignified in Sag, which is a drawback, but keep in mind that I look for the best chart within the time frame. This month, this is it 🙂

The Moon is sextile Jupiter, ruling the Moon and the chart. She will soon conjunct Venus, also close to the Ascendant. On this day, the Mars–Saturn square is growing stronger, but does not aspect the Moon or the Ascendant.

Remember, this chart recommends a good time for setting New Moon wishes and intentions. You are welcome to use your own approach. I am offering an opportune moment to begin.

I welcome your comments on the chart and any experience you have with your New Moon wishes.

Image adapted from James Everitt

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