Last Quarter Moon in Virgo: Details

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The Last Quarter square is a challenge that needs to be resolved before action can happen. This Virgo Moon opposes Neptune and squares the Nodes, creating a mutable Grand Cross.

The Moon’s question goes something like this: “Ok, everyone, I feel the creative energy here. The excitement and magic are off the charts. But what, exactly, is the plan?”

Oops. This is the Virgo trap. We need a plan? We can’t just, you know, do stuff?

No, we can’t. Not when the world is filled with peril and the stakes are high. So, this Last Quarter Moon wants us to slow down, clarify our goals, and figure out next steps.

This will feel like a splash of icy water after the warming fire of the Waning Trine, but it’s needed. We can’t afford to rush into things right now. We’ve got to consider risks vs. benefits. We need to check into resources and look at good timing.

The Leo Moon might be more fun, but Virgo Moons help us reach our goals. Right now, we need to be careful, measured, planful.

This too is creative. The Virgo Moon sextiles Venus in Scorpio. Both are inconjunct Mars in Aries. Yes, this is a yod. The way forward, the path to action requires us to plan carefully and weigh the risks.

This is how we move toward our destination.

Image adapted from Sigmund

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