Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio: Negotiation

The Aquarius–Taurus square continues to dominate our sky.

Are we working together to create forward-looking, socially aware plans for a better future? Or are we stubbornly insisting on our own point of view, while threatening to disrupt any consensus that isn’t exactly what we want?

Today’s Last Quarter Moon accentuates this standoff. A deeply canny Scorpio Moon opposes Mars and Uranus in Taurus while squaring the Sun and Jupiter in Aquarius.

Since Mars is the ancient ruler of Scorpio, Mars receives this Moon. (Perhaps ‘welcomes’ would be too strong a word.)

The Moon can bring all her insight and intuition to bear. Why is Mars so stubbornly angry? What’s going on underneath claims that can seem wrong-headed, or just plain wrong? There is history here.

There is mystery as well. The Moon trines Neptune in Pisces. Undoing this puzzle will not be simple.

The Sun trines the North Node of the future. Sorting out today’s patterns and issues will lay the groundwork for the future.

This Last Quarter Square will not feel easy. We can find ourselves feeling stubborn, resistant, and possibly vengeful. As Mercury begins his retrograde journey back through Aquarius, we can choose to examine our own place in the challenges ahead.

The deepest goal of a Moon in Scorpio is understanding.

Image adapted from Hassan Pasha

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