Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius: Magical Adventures

This evening, we reach the third and final Mars–Neptune square. Two and a half hours later, we enter the Last Quarter with a Sagittarius Moon. We’re off on adventures through enchanted lands.

This will be a longer post.

The Mars–Neptune square (25º Gemini and Pisces) is really a T-square with the Moon at 23º Sag, and includes the Sun at 24º Pisces. Both luminaries highlight our long ramble through truth, lies, deeper truths, more deception, magic, and how we develop an inner compass to follow the light.

Mars is edgy and out of sorts with all this watery mist around. Not everyone we meet on this adventure will be a friend. We can allow for some out-of-sorts-ness in others we meet, but also want to be ready to stand up for ourselves when needed. That Full Moon Touchstone–don’t lose that.

The Last Quarter phase adds emphasis as Sun, Moon, Mars and Neptune continue their dance. Notice the Moon moving into a trine with Venus at 28º Aries. There is Fire here. We can fight back if called on.

March 15, the Sun and Neptune perfect their conjunction at 25º Pisces. Even the outer planets are renewed and infused with gold by the Sun once each year. This evening brings a deep, additional infusion of magic and mysticism. What is reality? Good question.

March 16, Mercury reaches exact conjunction with Neptune, with the Sun minutes away, all at 25º Pisces. The core self and the mind fuse with oceanic powers deep within our Earth, our cosmos, and ourselves.

A few hours later, Venus has her exact square with Pluto. We’ve felt this challenge building up, building up at the very end of Aries and Capricorn. Venus in Aries asserts her independence from, and her determination to explore. the deepest recesses of the psyche and of life itself. Pluto reminds us of all they’ve uncovered since 2008 when they first entered Capricorn.

A few hours after that, Venus enters Taurus, her nighttime home, a place of comfort and security. Meanwhile, the Moon has moved into late Capricorn, approaching Pluto. The pace slows down, but the energy remains intense.

Very early on Friday, March 17, the Moon, sitting with Pluto, sextiles the Sun (27º Capricorn and Pisces). It’s not a good idea to use the flow of emotion and mysticism to avoid the grounded, physical realities of life. This, at best, is spiritual bypass. We’re invited instead to allow the inclusive embrace of the magical to infuse our lives with creativity and meaning.

A few hours later, the Sun and Mercury reach cazimi with Neptune still very close. Our minds are enlightened and enlivened in this moment of connection. This is Mercury’s superior conjunction, which means they’re moving directly and on the far side of the Sun.

This is a philosophical Mercury. It will take some days before they can reconnect with us, when we’ll be offered a tempered, big picture perspective.

We’ll enter the Balsamic phase early on March 18. Will we be the same? Maybe, but is that the goal? Perhaps we let ourselves be deepened, illuminated, recalibrated, and changed.

These next few days offer amazing opportunities to explore our dream life, creative resources, and connection to what is beyond our individual selves.

Enjoy the journey. Wonder at the magic. (Just as I typed that sentence, I glanced out the window to see a red-shouldered hawks sitting on a branch nearby, watching me.)

Notice who you are, on this journey. We enter with a Sag Moon, enthusiastic and curious, ready to meet new friends and learn new things.

Be the child in the fairy tale who is trusting without being naive, and knows the right questions to ask. Bring your sword. It’s possible you might need it. And don’t forget to bring extra muffins to share along the way.

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