Gibbous Moon in Virgo: Dexterity & Grace

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Last evening, we entered the Gibbous Moon phase with a Virgo Moon acting as the focal point. I’ve noticed the Moon taking this spot often lately. It gives me a reason to say something about why I focus on Moon phases at all.

With the Jupiter–Pluto conjunction happening, and Saturn, and Mars, and all the other things, do we care about a Virgo Moon?

Yes, we do care. The Moon is our focal point. She (they) is our first contact with the wider cosmos. The gate. Our body and our emotions. All we experience comes through the Moon.

Note, I am not saying ‘controlled by’ or ‘defined by.’ Absolutely the big players are big. Important. Defining.

Yet we each perceive, feel, and respond differently. This has to do with the transiting Moon as a guide. All of it interacts with our own birth charts, with the Moon as point of first contact.

The Gibbous phase is the final challenge before the Full. We have set our course. We must keep to it, no matter the obstacles that show up now.

With the Moon in Virgo trining the North Node and Uranus, sextiling the South Node, squaring Venus, inconjunct Mars and Saturn, and quintile Mercury and Neptune, this Moon will need every bit of Virgoan dexterity to find the best path.

That square with Venus, with both Moon and Venus in Mercury-ruled signs, offers a measure of grace.

Today as I write, the Moon has reached mid Virgo and will soon be opposing Mercury and Neptune in Pisces, and trining Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn.

Information will be coming through. We may receive it intuitively and/or feel it in our bodies. We need to pay attention without believing everything without question. The Virgo Moon is clever, careful, and not easily fooled.

Keep a low profile but don’t let anyone stop you. Fancy footwork may be required.

Image by Nathan Anderson

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