Gibbous Moon in Leo: Yes, And …

posted in: Gibbous Moon, Leo | 2

This afternoon, we reach the Gibbous Moon, the sesquiquadrate (135°) aspect between Sun and Moon. This square-and-a-half calls for us to stand our ground in the face of challenge.

With the Moon in Leo as the Sun continues swimming through Pisces with Neptune and a retrograde Mercury, the challenge will have something to do with being seen.

Are we feeling lost in an ocean of feelings? Did we dive so deep into spiritual practices that our compasses no longer work? Have we drifted into our favorite distraction. addiction? Or maybe we are simply unmoored, not sure wha day it is or which dimension we’re in.

The Leo Moon is ready to lead, to play, to perform. But where are we? Where’s the stage, the audience? What’s the script?

It’s time for improv. Improvisation is part of theater training and some of the toughest performance work we can do.

We’ve stepped into the spotlight with nothing but our courage and our playful imagination. What will come up? How will be respond? What can we make of it? Will it be funny? Poignant? Tragic? Or simply fall flat?

We can’t know and the readiness is all.

There’s a big week ahead with a glorious Full Moon arriving on the Equinox. It’s a turning point and we aren’t sure what’s coming.

That’s OK.

The key phrase in improv is “yes, and…” … not our more typical “yes, but…” We approach the unknown with an open heart and a willingness to play with whatever shows up. We take what comes and add to it.

YES … and …

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