Gibbous Moon in Leo: Passionate

In the earliest hours of Sunday, April 2, we enter the Gibbous phase, the last lunar phase before we reach the Full Moon in Libra. Here we face a final challenge just as we thought the finish line was near.

We’ll see the Moon at the end of Leo, a place where we feel a need to defend our position, our achievements, ourselves.

This Moon is tightly trine Mercury in late Aries, a connection that can help or harm, depending on the path we choose.

Let’s say we’ve been passionately pursuing our goals, slowing down as appropriate, caring for others as we can, while keeping the focus on what we hope to accomplish.

Now something upsets our plans. How do we respond?

If we feel threatened, defensive, and embattled, we may push back hard. We might use the persuasive power of Mercury in Aries to convince others we’re right (whether we are or not). Maybe we lash out.

On the other hand, if we focus on the long term, bring others on board, and support them on the way, we can create collaborations that strengthen everyone. Mercury in Aries can help us craft language to inspire.

April 3, Mercury steps into Taurus to square Pluto. Here we see the benefits of not going dramatically overboard. In Taurus, the mind works slowly, needing time to work through options and possibilities.

The square to Pluto brings a deeper perspective. We cannot limit ourselves to superficial efforts. We need to consider what needs to be nurtured at all levels.

Notice that the keys to this Gibbous Moon are in fixed signs: late Leo Moon, Mercury entering Taurus, and Pluto in Aquarius. Three different aspects of what it means to stay focused over the long term.

Those who struggle for social justice, for truth, for the widest range of personal creative expression all know the inner strength needed to stay the course. In this phase, we dig deep, find our roots, and stay passionate.

4 Responses

  1. Julia Babb

    “March 3, Mercury steps into Taurus to square Pluto.” Do you possibly mean April 3rd?

  2. Julia Babb

    I’m getting old, so I had to make sure 😁. Thanks!

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